Saturday, April 20, 2013

First Post......Writer's Block?

I always want to write. I always, always, always, think of something to write about. I always have something to say.....always have something in my head, to get out of my mouth, off my chest...........until it comes time to actually write it......hmf

I am wanting this blog. I always wanted a blog. I want to write on this blog. I want to share my life experiences (to an extent), my joys, my struggles........I want to witness and minister on this blog. I want to talk about real stuff in a real way on this blog.

I want to talk about things that really effect me on this blog. I want to talk about life, the Bible, food, recipes, food (food twice, intentionally :P)... on this blog. I would love to start a devotional about real struggles with real women on this blog.

I would like to talk about breakthroughs, prayer, healing, deliverance, salvation, Jesus, God......... on this blog.

(So..... where do I start?)

I won't talk about politics on this blog. I do not listen, think about, hope in or debate politics. This I know I won't do.

I will talk about life matters though; and maybe some of the life matters will be embedded in politics, but, I won't talk from a political stand point. I will talk from my standpoint, hopefully a good standpoint.

I want to talk about my opinions, be free to express myself, without judgement......right here on this blog.

(So, again, I ask where do I start?)

I Googled 'blogging ideas' 'starting a blog', etc........ hmm, none tickled my fancy or sparked my interest. A couple of things they did have in common were: give instructions on how to do something; make lists- people like lists; news events (I don't know if I would do that one,guess it would depend on the topic); politics (think I already covered that one ); recipes (this I will be good at-- I am terrible though on measurements- I am a throw it together type of girl); write fictional stories/short stories (I could do that I do believe, in time); review something - i.e: a product, books, tv shows, movies, music, etc (I could do that too)..........

I feel like I should write down a bunch of topics on small pieces of paper and pick one out of a hat.......maybe start there?

Another suggestion was to add links to websites and blogs of others who were talking about the same subject.........hmmm. I don't know.

Could this be a smorgasbord type of blog? Do I want it to be? That's one thing about creating a blog I guess, is where to begin? Some sort of genesis.....

Can you have writer's block on your very first post? Yet, I know when I have no access to this computer/website I will have so much to say...funny how that works....I will have to start writing it down so I can blog it when I get to a computer? Yes yes, you are seeing how my brain is putting all this together.

I need to a place to be me, if that makes sense. And here I can be me, yup, just me.

So - I guess the only thing I can do is start. Which I think I just did? I will definitely be reading other blogs & also find out everything I can do on here............

Tune in tomorrow, maybe, just maybe, I will have figured out............ something?

***If you read this and have any type of information to give this novice blogger, please feel free to send me a comment-- you might spark something for me to write about.***


  1. Happens to me constantly! I've learned to pray regularly for ideas. Sometimes I just start typing, and things materialize.

    1. HI Debbie, Thanks for stopping by. I am enjoying reading your blog. I have been trying to read a few of your posts everyday. I am praying - I know I have so much to if I could just get it to the keyboard :) If I talk face to face I have no problems at all! Funny, huh?

      I did just start typing my second post-- not the best post but it is what I believe I was to talk about when I posted it. You are right, just starting to type brings words and ideas too.

      I hope to talk with you again soon.

      Have a blessed day!



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